Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Simply God's Girl.

Today marks the first day of the New Year. 2014. I still cannot believe it as I type it. It seems the years just fly by faster and faster as I grow younger and younger.

For me, this past year has probably been one of the toughest years that I can remember, but also one of the most glorious at the same time. This past year I accomplished my dream of earning my Masters degree while also becoming an Aunt for the first time.Yet, with all that wonderful glory, this year gave our family  one of the hardest tests we have ever been through as a family...not to mention, a hard year, spiritually.

So, at the end of the year, I have been spending a lot of time in scripture and various Christian blogs and bible studies to find answers and to grow closer to HIM as I step into 2014.

Nevertheless, I have read a lot of great stuff...but one writer specifically caught my attention. Perhaps, because, HE was trying to get my attention about one of my biggest dreams and aspirations I have had for a long time.

Anyhow, the writer was explaining how important it was for people to grow closer to God before they expect to grow closer to anything else. You fill in the else for you.

So, hence, this is the purpose of my blog. Simply to grow closer to God and be a God's girl. What more could you ask for in 2014?

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